Thursday, January 5, 2017

My New Year Resolutions

Planning and discipline are not my forte and both are required to first create a list of resolutions and then follow through it (at least initially). For the same reason, I never believed in this new year resolution concept, until this year. The year 2016 was a year of awakening and hence I decided at least once in my life, I should experience this resolution process i.e. "creating a list of new year resolutions (and then breaking it, shhh)". So here we go:-

1. Waking up before sunrise: 5 days into the year and it has not happened yet. Not my fault! Through a friend's post, I found out that i am suffering from Dysania. (The condition of finding it difficult to get out of the bed in the morning is called dysania.) For me, it is in an advanced stage as I do not find it "difficult", I find it "impossible". My condition is deteriorating with every single day! My resolve to wake up before sunrise is inversely proportional to the growth in severity, harder I try stronger I fail!

2. 1 book, every two weeks: This one, looks like, I should be able to follow through. The catch is, the resolution said (in fine prints) "read books that enrich your knowledge base, be it history, geography, travel or your profession i.e. data analytics". I am reading a fiction novel written by Daniel Silva! At-least, I am reading okay? Stop judging people!

3. No coffee: To set the context, I am (or was) caffeine addict. 4/5 cups of coffee a day, was normal. It has been 5 days in 2017 and I have not bought or made coffee myself (In few instances, I was offered coffee in meetings and saying NO, to free coffee, borders on being rude and I can not be rude, Hindu sanskara!)

4. Eating healthy: This, I have really followed through, no really, I mean it. According to my definition, chocolate cookies and cheeses are healthy. My resolutions, my definitions. The resolution did not say I can not create my own definition, huh!!

5. Exercise in the evening: I have been walking like a duck for last few days, now you can figure our whether I have followed this resolution or not. So much for resolution experience!

6. Going for a run in the morning: I have been running in my dreams, so that is also done. Great!

7. Writing travel blog: Technically, I have followed this as well  (I have not travelled anywhere this year. I did whisper to my resolution god that I will document my 2016 Christmas trip but let's be fair, that was last year. Who remembers what happened in a trip a year ago!)

8. Last but least, less Facebooking: From checking my facebook for 3000 times/day, now I check it for 300 times/day, that is 900% improvement in 5 days!! Huge! Do I really need to do anything else? 2017 is already written in golden letters!

There are few more like learning swimming, going on a trip with my parents, learning dancing etc but I already proved how amazing I am in living my "NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!!

Happy new year 2017!! 2017, please be kind to man-kind. 


  1. HAHA! Love your resolutions and I pray that all of these are successful through the year! :-)

  2. Hahaha...Go 2017...done in ur way, it does promise to be a Hel lot of fun year. :)
